Youth Development and Support Government

Idea Description

The TNE Software will connect multi-sectors in one platform. The TNE will help unemployed graduate students and high school certificate holders to get the required skills and experience in the working field.

This platform will work as an authenticated organization to build the trust of partners:

  1. Ministry of Education
  2. Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
  3. Ministry of Labour
  4. Governments, public authorities and companies


All data will connect to follow the youth's progress from the startup point to ensure they have the skills to fit the job requirements. This point will be achieved by providing the proper training from governments, public authorities and companies. After the training, the student will have an exam based on the training. The student will get authenticated certificate with grad. This certificate will approve that this student has a work experience on his/her specialist.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

1- The collaboration of the entities. 2- The transparency of the entities. 3- Applying the idea.

Benefits of Idea Implementation

1- Developing the graduates' skills 2- Achieving Oman Vision 2040 3- Solving the employments issue 4- Omanization percentage

Team Members

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Last Update:- 19 March 2023


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