
Startups Business

Idea Description

A restaurant reservation app that will let the users book a table or add their name to the wating list at their favorite restaurant. the information that will be provided such as: floor map, availability or number of seats at the table and waiting time.

Challenges The Idea is Addressing

-Reduce no-shows and increase sales by taking control of your waitlist, reservations, and seating. -reduce waiting time for guests -build a trust between customers and restaurant owners

Benefits of Idea Implementation

-Keep track of staffing, reservations, and the entire guest experience in one place -Guests can access your open reservations anytime through the app. -Confirm bookings with guests through text messages. -Analytics and reports help restaurant owners to analyze trends and maximize profits -Manage restaurant’s waitlist, reservations, seating, and table status in one application.

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Last Update:- 15 March 2023


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