Startups Business

Idea Description

HOME FOOD APPLICATION is an application gather all people who want to cook food in there house and sale it. It will be like Talabat application but for those people who working from home for different category of food. In this application you can enter the type of food you want and the location and so many options will be in front of you. More over this application will make collaboration between those people cook in their home and between restaurants. So the restaurants can work with those people to cook different home cooking and deliver it direct to restaurant. You have option to rate the food in the  application 


Challenges The Idea is Addressing

1. Prices of The Market Are As Unstable 2. Inconsistent Food Quality 3.Getting Ready For The Demand

Benefits of Idea Implementation

1. easy to reach to home food 2. good work for people from home 3. good opportunities for good chef to know by society

Team Members

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Last Update:- 15 March 2023


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